Wednesday, April 9, 2014

And We're Back!

It’s time to start blogging again. I’m two weeks into my new job as the Science Reference Services Librarian at Old Dominion University. Virginia is lovely, the university is dynamic, and the libraries are filled with dedicated faculty and staff who’ve made me very welcome. At this point, the bulk of my orientation meetings seem to be concluding, and I’m starting to take on my true responsibilities.

In the coming months, I have a lot of projects to work on, and I’ll be musing on those projects, librarianship in general, and the ideas that get me fired up on this blog.

So far, I’ve been immersed in training and orientation. Unsurprisingly with a new job, I’ve had plenty of paperwork to complete, but I’ve also had a chance to sit down with most of the other subject specialists and start looking at the resources we can use to answer questions. In the coming weeks, I’ll meet with the department heads throughout the library to get an overview of the entire institution.

I’m the new kid on the block, so I’m laying low--I’m learning, observing, and absorbing everything I can. That said, don’t doubt for a moment that I’m back in the game! I’m looking forward to upcoming conferences, new projects, and the exploration of some old projects applied in new ways. ODU seems to be a wonderful environment to explore, and I’ll be talking about those explorations here in the coming months. I’ll chronicle my training, my crazy ideas, and my work, and hopefully enter the greater dialogue in the field.

I already have ideas--what are yours?

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